I want to go, I want to go, I want to go there too.


Caturday Night.

Caturday Night.

Today. Boy.
Today I worked all day, put up with some shit from some bitches, went out for coffee with my man, snuggled, took a long nap that left me feeling rested but anxious and distraught because all my dreams were about work, ate a grilled cheese, close to OD'd on Real Cane Sugar, watched the newest Parks and Rec., and now I am here.
Those stupid naptime work dreams have me really bugged out. I feel like I worked all morning, took a break and then spent the REST OF MY LIFE working. Ok? I love my job, but Jesus Christ people. There is only so much CRAZY I can take. Also, JK is on vaycay next week, which meaaaaaans, crazy radar went out to all crazies and this whole past week has been filled with "Oh i know, he really deserves a vacation, but my cat is just so sick and what if I need him, what if there is an emergency and heistheonlyguywhocanfixmycatwithdiabetesandloopusandcancerandANXIETYSTRESSFUCKINGIRRITABLEBOWELSYDROME...."
I could not ask for a better job but sometimes even the good shit can wear on your nerves and this has basically brought us up to now.

In other life changing event news. CONGRATULATIONS to my Baby Sister who just got her fucking dream job, a job she has wanted for well over 20 years of life. It is really great when people have this thing they want to do, like be famous, or work at the Columbus Zoo and probably meet Jack Hanna and they have wanted this forever and they make their big sis get up really early in the morning to watch a show about animals that Jack Hanna does and they always see themselves living like that and taking care of cool animals like polar bears and alligators and then one THEY GET THAT JOB! I am super happy for and proud of my seester. Way to go!

Other than that. Nothing. I don't know. My boss had major surgery and my other co-workers have life shit and I have life shit and there is shit and flowers and sneak peek spring days that make it better and periods that make it worse than it has to be and I don't know what to do right now so I am just babbling. Should I paint? Read? Watch the Cosby Show? I wish Ty was not at work or that I had a friend here. I WANT SOMETHING TO DOOOOOOOOOO!

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