I want to go, I want to go, I want to go there too.


Goals for the year.

Every year starting with 2010, I have made the resolution to read 50 books I have never read before. While I didn't quite reach that goal last year, I realized that I did however, conquer some pretty large books. House of Leaves for example, which I HIGHLY recommend. Also, I read a pretty hefty book on Diane Arbus, twice. So this year I plan to conquer some more amazing literature and not worry so much about the number of things I finish. Although, it would be pretty amazing to reach my #50 goal... We shall see.

I would like to read my first book by this guy.

I would like to finish the rest of this guys amazing books.

Finish/restart this book.

And regardless of it's overwhelming length of 760 pages... I want to read this.

I also want to read more poetry. I feel as though I am missing out by not dwelling more in the section...


  1. Hey! I stumbled upon your blog while looking through Google Images...random...
    I did read your older posts and they were awesome, plus you like The National which makes you even more awesome!
    I will keep reading, it's a fun blog!

  2. Thanks, you are so sweet! Do you have a blog/tumblr/flickr?
    Feel free to keep in touch! And yes, The National=<3

  3. Hello darling you list of goals/resolutions/books is missing a trip to Ohio in May, mothers day weekend to be exact, too see your long lost friend Elise!! You should be in the yo then so ii can see you :) think about it! Michelle and Los will be in town with their babies and jerrilynn is coming back from Connecticut cause she's preggors.. (you met her right) anyways besides all that I need an email address for you so I can be in touch more frequently and feel less like a stalker reading everything in your blog ;) miss you! -Elise. Elisevonwinkle@yahoo.com

  4. Sorry for all the spelling/grammar errors.. I typed that on my phone..
