I want to go, I want to go, I want to go there too.



Sunny Birthdays.
So I got to hang out with these dudes all weekend and it was awesome. My Birthday was filled with good food, nice gifts and kind words and plenty of drinks! My boyfriend, great guy, got me flowers, shoes and gin. Perfection! I also got a new book from Derrek and cute cards in the mail from my mom and Elise and even a perfectly timed letter from Han! Pals came over with chinese food for music and dancing. It was great and smoked too many cigarettes.
As for the rest of the weekend, I got to go antiquing, I bought myself some art supplies and a vintage dress and I just now signed up for this: http://www.arthousecoop.com/projects/sketchbookproject
I even, with inspiration from the before-mentioned Hannah, started making a list of 24 things to accomplish before I turn 25. A list that is short 19 things, but you know, rough draft. I will share once I get to 24.
It sucked having our pal leave too. I always get this depressed nauseous feeling when I have to leave a place I visited or when someone who has just visited me leaves... Hopefully we have inspired him to move here, or just anywhere where he can be inspired;)
In any case. It was a weekend well spent.


  1. waaaaaay too many cigs. Hope the list is coming out well. I thought of a big one you could use....

  2. What's the big one? I came up with a few more... Eating healthier, organically, going to ballet class, reading at the library once a week...
