I want to go, I want to go, I want to go there too.


I have to get this out of my system.


I can't stop singing this.

I recently went home. Now I feel good to be back with my men in Boston.
I think going home helped me reconnect with things that matter, family and old friends. It helped me sort my thoughts and feel a little better about myself, seeing as I did not allow myself to get trapped. I got out.
Not to say that everyone is trapped, because the people who are not are what keep me connected to the place I can always go back to. No matter what. There are just places out there that have an indescribable feeling that you hate but find comfort in nonetheless.

So, lately:

T did this print and I like it a whole lot. So I though I would share. I went back to drawing class last night and hope to have a few things to post from that soon.

I got love, a fluffy buddy, things to look forward to despite the rain, a sense of calm and I feel a lot less stressed than I did there for awhile. I hope everyone out in internet land is well and fine.

A nice note to leave on:

"Go home, jerk off, and that's all you gonna do."
Here's to me on my way to looking a lot like this woman. But maybe minus the whole overdose style...

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