I want to go, I want to go, I want to go there too.



So what if I like to make up reason to celebrate the whole week before my birthday. Sue me.

Here I am looking like a sophisticated 24 year old:
Sophisticated almost 24 year old.

I have been painting:
I like to paint with tea and coffee.

Let's remind ourselves who is the better artist in my little family:

Here is me yesterday when I looked super cute and Parisian. Today I am wearing little to no clothes and while some may rather a picture of that, today is the day of the Lords Resurrection and that would be bad of me to post such silly things as me in my "I'm gonna look like a slut as I dance around to crazy french music and clean my house/ blog" get-up.

So that's about it. My hair is becoming way too long and unruly but I kind of love it. We have a wonderful friend visiting us this weekend and I am really excited for the company! Yes Derrek, that is YOU. Ty is taking me to my favorite restaurant for dinner and has presents for me hiding in his closet that I am really trying to control myself from sneaking a peak of... If only he would just wrap them! We have 5 weeks until we MOVE! I don't think I have mentioned this here, but we are getting a bigger place and a roommate! Ty's cousin Johnny is going to Harvard Grad and we are all moving in together and I am quite excited. I think it will be fun and we got a really amazing place with a balcony and we can paint the walls! So my head is filled with many a decorating ideas. Any suggestions are welcome, but so far I think the kitchen is going to be turquoise and the bedroom either a pale yellow or mint green. We are going to wheat paste the living room annnnnd yea. The bathroom is this cool green color with a big tub that I can't wait to scrub down and then soak in! I also can't wait to show the place to Rufio because he will love having more room to run around and be crazy in. Overall life is pretty great. I am trying to find more activities to fill my time with. Since I will be living with 2 grad students who will busy all the time I think I should better myself as well. I am trying out some adult dance classes, still going to figure drawing and I am going to try and begin some kind of French lessons. I really want to travel to there and possibly move one day. I have given it a lot of thought and being an artist in France might just be my dream. Buying baguettes and drinking coffee in cafes while smoking delicious cigarettes and maybe having a bebe with me who will be wonderfully cultured and beautiful, a gorgeous flat with plants and giant french doors leading to a bright balcony... Until then, things here are good and I am content, excited to see what this new year brings to me as I turn another year older.

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