I want to go, I want to go, I want to go there too.


This monkeys gone to heaven.

At 6 pm, I am saying "check ya later 2010!"

The past year hasn't been all bad, but it also wasn't all good. In the end, it just felt like an elongated transitional period. I'm over it. I am now looking forward to the rest of my life. I have hit a point where everything fits, I found my niche.
I am living with my best friend and we have fun every single day. Moving to Boston has been the greatest adventure of my life and I have the greatest partner on this journey. My life is now going in the direction that I want it to go in and I couldn't be happier with everything!

My resolutions are usually more silly than serious and often brushed under the bed by the time my mid February depression hits, but this year I am going to try and keep positive and try to keep my resolutions as well.
1. This one is my favorite and has become a tradition. Its more a goal to broaden my mind, but, wtfeve. I am going to read 50 books I have never read and see 100 movies I have never seen. I tried this last year and it... well, didn't go as planned? hahaha. This year I plan to keep better track.

2. Budget my time and money better/ get my finances straightened out and not be such a lazy fuck all the time.

3. Travel more.

4. Go to the fucking John Coffer workshop that I have been waiting my whole entire life for!

5. Continue with my yoga practice 3-5 times a week. Conquer firefly and side crow!

6. Be completely honest with people, say no when I mean no, tell the people I love that I love them, keep a positive attitude and try not freak out as much over trivial things.

2010, in the end, you will probably be overlooked. I am sorry to say it, but I got better years coming. Thanks for bringing me to Boston where I live with my little family, I will catch you later!

2011 is already looking like a fucking sweet year since I get to spend the first day of it with 2 of the hottest guys to ever go to Wooster. That's right, I get to see George Clayton Kyle tomorrow! BOO-YAH!

Peace out,

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