I want to go, I want to go, I want to go there too.


Oi yoi yoi, oi ya yo yoi.

Buffalo Soldier, in the heart of America.

Today as I was getting ready for my Vinyasa practice, the kids in the play gym that is in the next room over from my yoga class were running around and screaming their heads off, just being overall really hyper. Then the teacher started playing this song and they immediately shut up and everything became still.
If there was ever proof needed that Bob Marley will shut your wild screaming kid up, this was it.

Now I am home and relaxing with a cup of tea. We got up really early today for artistic purposes (see above) and stayed up too! We came home to have coffee and watch some T.V., then we had a healthy breakfast of donuts.... ;)
Then I went to class, T photographed and went to school. Now I am home, about to sit back with a little thing called The X-Files and think about doing some painting.
Laura will be visiting tomorrow (!!!!!!!!!) so I need to clean up for that. Wednesday I am off to Philly to be with the most wonderful Charlotte Hart, T will be home in PA, Ru will be boarding at the hospital :( and I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving, since with all this hub bub I may not be back until after the holidays.


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