I want to go, I want to go, I want to go there too.


::isn't it a lovely day to be caught in the rain::

A day late, but still very thankful.
I am thankful for many things this year.
I am thankful for safe flights and wonderful times with best friends. I got to see many people this year who I have not seen for a very long time and spend a lot of time with friends I haven't been able to spend much time with lately.
I am thankful for this home and family I have built with Ty. He is my rock, my everything. He provides for me, love, inspiration and so many hugs. I couldn't dream of a better man.
I am thankful for my baby kitty who was so happy to see me today when I picked him up from the hospital and has been so snuggly.
I am thankful for our beautiful apartment with heat and hot water.
I am thankful for this most wonderful job I have.
I am thankful for my family who is continually supportive and loving and provides me with so much laughter.
There are so many things to be happy for this Thanksgiving. I am jut happy to have all this love and happiness in my life.

But now I am alone until Monday morning. I thought T would be coming home on Sunday but was informed differently just a few minutes ago.
Yet, a friend from work is coming over tonight which is a nice change from my normally lonely lifestyle. And I get to watch my favorite old movies that T dislikes for some ungodly reason.
So I will enjoy the bachelorette lifestyle for a few days:)
One more thing I am thankful for, the genius that is Fred Astaire.
"If you was this show to run 2 nights, get me a plane now!"
"What kind of plane?!"
"One with wings!"

Oh I'mmm puttin' on my top hat, tyin' up my white tie, brushin' off my taiiils!

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