I want to go, I want to go, I want to go there too.


I was a lover.

I took my first Bikram Yoga class tonight. It's a Hot Hatha class where the class is set to 100 degrees and you just go for it. I fucking went for it.
At first I was super hesitant. But I am glad I went and did my best and even showed myself that I am doing a lot better than I sometimes think I am.

It just felt amazing. I felt 10 pounds lighter and like I had just sweat every icky thing out of my body.
So far I have gone to class on Sunday, Monday, Wed. and today. I will go again on Sunday and possibly take 2 classes that night. Then I will try to go to class everyday next week before my 2 week pass is up. Already I can feel an improvement, not just with my body but also my mind. I have been a lot less anxious, still paranoid (but thats probably due to me getting back into the X-files), but also less irritable and sad.

Seriously, to everyone out there, try yoga. It's the best thing I have found that has always helped me and made me feel so much better about myself and my health.

Other than that, life has been the usual. Spending as much time with Ty as possible. Getting ready to start working full time. Getting excited to spend time with some friends, with which I have not been able to spend time with in far too long.
Things are going really well and I just try to take a minute each day, to really soak the moment in and take a look at my life and say, "I am relaxed, I am content, I am at peace."

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