I want to go, I want to go, I want to go there too.


#1 Pet Peeve.

So the one thing that really bugs me at work is the "poor college kid" act that people try to pull with me.
"I''m sorry, I can't pay for all that, I'm just a college kid, I don't have enough money! How about I just pay for this and this and not pay for this, this, and this?"
No. How about you just don't get a fucking pet, dumbass.

If you don't have the money to take care of this responsibility you took on, willingly, then you do not deserve it. I learned the hard way that pets were expensive. I thought, oh, I have always had cats, they are easy. No. Rufio got really sick the second I got him and I paid a lot of money to make him better and yea, it sucked. I couldn't do some things for myself after that, one of those things being getting to see Modest Mouse, which would have been AWE-some, but. Instead, I took care of my little guy, stayed home all night and was curly with Ru, watching Hitchcock films. And it ruled.

I hate these loser fucks who come in thinking they got this "free kitten" from craigslist and won't have to pay to make sure it's healthy and taken care of.
And to the girl who didn't keep up with her cats chronic urinary issues and thought she could move and have her prescription faxed to us and we would be all willy-nilly and give her whatever she wanted. Your vet told us how hard it was to get you to do anything for your cat, you have to feed it a special diet that is a prescription a.k.a medicine, you need to have regular check ups to make sure your cats chronic issue is taken care of properly, you are covered in tattoos and have disgusting pink hair, and if you can indulge yourself you can also take care of the life you decided to take responsibility for.
I love to indulge myself and get tattoos and buy nice clothes and things, but I love Ru and I would make sure he was safe and healthy first.

Grow up.

This basically sums up my life.

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