I want to go, I want to go, I want to go there too.


I know I dreamed about you, for 29 years before I saw you.

Things have been really good lately. I've been a little whiney/banter-ish, but I'm on my period and that is a valid excuse. Other than that, work has been the same, things have slowed a bit but it is still something new everyday. Last Saturday I got to work and was the first one there. I slowly realized the power was out as I walked through a completely pitch black hospital waving my cell phone in front of my face to barely light the way, all the while I am thinking about how we just watched the first Alien movie and I am waiting nervously for him or the evil cat we had in our Sunshine Ward to jump out and devour me.... It's just about the coolest job I have ever had.
Me and Ty are doing really great. Everyday I swear I love this guy more and more. I am really happy things have been so great living together because there is always a chance of moving in with someone and learning how very different you guys are and a lot of times you can't work that out. T is my one guy, we are lucky. Last night we were lounging on the couch and watching The Ice Storm when Rufio jumped up on the couch with us and curled up on top of us and it was like my whole life made sense. Everything that ever happened in my life from the moment I was born led to that simple thing, Ru jumping up on us, purring and lovey and us just instinctively petting him and cooing and just being a family. It was perfection.
I think T and I will manage to always keep that perfection. Not we ourselves are perfect, far from it! But we really do complete each other in a wonderful way. I also think that it has become a top priority in my generation to find that someone special to stay with til we grow old together. It has been very common in our parents generation to get married, start a family and it often led to divorce. Most of the people I know and am friends with come from divorced families. Sharing a life with someone, forever, is hard. It's hard to maintain friendships, let alone a relationship with one person. But I think that with a lot of young people, people my age, having come from divorced parents, it's a priority to find the perfect someone. We want that relationship that will last forever. We want to work for that comfort and are willing to fight and hurt for it. We are willing to wait forever and not waste time with people who don't give us that... Shakey, butterfly feeling. I am sorry for the time I wasted not getting that feeling of excitement. It is so much better when you have it. And I don't think it's a bad thing to want that. To be penguins and mate for life. Or lobsters, I think they do to. Whatever, I just think its a really beautiful thing, to strive for a real companionship. If I had one wish, it would just be for everyone to find that. The one person they would fight for, ache and hurt for, and love, just love unconditionally. We all have soulmates, it just takes a long time sometimes.


This video and the weather lately... The color change outside, the brisk morning wind, the gray skies... It sort of makes me miss driving around in Ohio and the midwest. This video and the movie last night really made me miss the open-ness in this world. While I love this city and have become very accustomed to and comfortable in it, part of me does miss what I was used to for so long before. Driving down long roads having the forests and trees everywhere. Long walks through neighborhoods and into the marshes of Wooster, seeing deer and small critters, taking photos in farmers fields and seeing red barns.

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