I want to go, I want to go, I want to go there too.


10 things that mean it's fall.

1. The Pumpkin Spice lattes return to Starbucks.
2. The first time the weather drops below 65 degrees.
3. Cold rain.
4. Breaking out of pants and boots.
5. Halloween candy showing up at your local grocer.
6. The presence of gourds, squash and pumpkins.
7. Desire for warmth found only in stews, soups and pie.
8. When gray skies are welcomed as opposed to the hatred for them come March.
9. Red, orange and yellow leaves.
10. And the night when the heat in your apartment is turned on for the first time and you and your loved one cuddle in bed asking aloud, "will la radiator always make a tea kettle whistling sound?!"


  1. i've experienced/felt 9/10 of these things in the last week!
    it's so true.

  2. I love fall so much.
    I love the way its creeps into my life so slowly and makes my soul warm.

    But I hate how quickly it transitions itself into winter.
