It's been awhile.
Stuff going on:
1. Ty left... In 3 weeks and 5 (almost 4) days I will run into his arms in an airport like they do in movies. It will be wonderful.
2. Rufio turned 1 Year Old yesterday! He is such a big little butter bean. I love him and I forgot that it was his bday yesterday... Realized today and gave him extra treats. I doubt he realizes, but thanks to the wonders of female hormones, I cried.
3. Florida in 3 days! Wooo WOOOO!
That is seriously all I can think of that has happened. I have been much happier, despite missing Ty. I know my last post was a little melodramatic and gross. I'd like to say I have been eating better but really I have just been drinking. Better for worse? I don't know really.
I got to see a good friend on her bday, have been tying up loose ends... Doing things I always wanted to do... Working, shmorking, drinking, winking... You know. The UUUUsh.
For randoms sake, here is a picture of my man:
Boy got his hurrr did. So handsome!
Here are my men:
Most wonderful men that they are!
Le sigh.
So I can go and talk to Sexy man #1 and cuddle little bday boy man #2, here is a survey thing I filled out yesterday when Blogger wouldn't let me update:
RED- anger
1. Are you currently mad at someone?
Not really... Not anyone of importance or matter. I am sure I am peaved with more than a few people at work or school or something.
2.Which of your family members has the worst temper?
My mother. And my sister... Both combined.
3. Have you ever thrown something at anyone?
Herm... I don't think so. Again, nothing major, but probably pieces of meat in the deli or soemthing stupid like that.
4. Does your face turn red when you're angry?
Probably. I'm a blusher.
5. When you're mad do you prefer to stare angrily or yell?
Stare... Sometimes yell... But I have to be pretty mad, I usually just cry then if I get annoyed, I yell.
1. Has anyone ever thrown a surprise party for you?
Yea, but it was kind of lame and I got a kitten that my mom threatened to kill and then wouldn't let me have when I moved out.
2. Are you easily excited?
Pretty much, but it has toned down a bit. I really love the small things rather than the big.
3. What event is coming up that you're most excited about?
My move to Boston. Seeing Ty's face again and holding him in my arms. Also, giving Ru a sedative for the plane and watching him come to when we get to his new home, haha, when I think about it I remember the time he got his balls chopped andI brought him home and he wobbled all over... Too cute.
4. If you won a million dollars, what would be your first
No mas student loans.
5. If you could have anything right now what would it be?
Someone to do my packing for me... A fairy Godmother singing bippity boppity boo while she did the packing and for, whenever I was in a bad mood, someone to play the scene from The Aristocats where he says "And where's my bitty by basket?!"
1. Name:
2. When were you born?:
In an abandoned insane asylum in Florence in the fall of 2007.
3. What's your main goal in life?:
Travel the world with Ty, have beautiful children, make beautiful things...
4. Do you want to have children?
Yes. Sometimes lots, sometimes just two, B and G, A and E.
5. How do you want to die?
I never want to die.
1. Are you against gay marriage?
Not at all, I get excited and happy every time I see a happily in love couple of any type and even more happy when I see gay couples with children.
2. Lower the drinking age?
And also lower the stupidity age? Like that will ever happen.
3. Capital Punishment? Another good idea, made bad by poor decision making or mistakes. i think the whole "Off with their heads!" was a better idea, but I am into odd things.
4. Abortion?
I am pro choice, but realize it would be a very tough choice. It's one of the things I want to have an option for and I think people need to realize the broadness of the term abortion.
1. Do you love someone?
Tyler Wayne Scheidt.
2.Do you have a bf/gf?
The most wonderful one.
4. Do you believe in love at first sight?
It's nice.
1. How many beds did you lay in today?
My bed and the futon which I leave out as a bed now because I can't sleep in my room... It's weird, probably nothing, just don't feel comfortable.
2. What color shirt are you wearing?
Forest Green.
3. Name one thing that you do everyday?
Talk to Ty.
4. How much cash do you have on you right now?
60 some...
5. Is Tom on your Top friends list?
No fucking facebook.
6. Look to your left. What's there?
A very messy living room.
7. What's the last piece of clothing you borrowed from
Shorts from Kate which she will never see again.
8. What website(s) do you visit the most during the
Craigslist missed connections...
9. Do you have plants in your room?
Some basil that is probably dying...
10. Does anything hurt on your body right now?
Not particularly, my foot is healing nicely.
11. What city was your last taxicab ride in?
Here, cbus.
12. Do you own a picture phone?
Yea. Holla at me some sexts with that.
13. Recent time you were really upset?
When Tyler left...
1. Person you saw:
Justin as we walked out of work tonight.
2. Movie watched in cinema?
Fuck if I know... Uhm...Probably... Annie Hall, yep. Annie Hall.
3. Song you listened to:
Whatever played at work... My coworker making me sad by singing Bon Iver, Skinny Love.
4. Person you talked on the phone with:
1. What are you doing right now?
Talking on gchat with Char and getting sleepy...
2. What are you doing tonight?
Going to bed.
3. What are you going to eat?
I tried to eat a mango popsicle but Ru got the better of it.
1. Is:
"Somebody's got a case of the Mondays..."
2. Goal:
Do well on Final.
3. Are you going to laugh:
I hope to God so.
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