I want to go, I want to go, I want to go there too.


Shut it down.

I give up. This was never meant to please anyone but me and it doesn't do that anymore, so see ya.

I am just keeping my tumblr. And if I feel the need to vent about personal shit, I will make an even more protected and secret tumblr. Fuck followers. Fuck everything.

I am probably on my/ about to get my period. Let's blame everyhting on being a girl, as always, duh. I suck.

Au revoir.

Introducing Bean Louise Finch!

Bean Louise Finch.
We rescued a new baby! A few weeks ago a guy called our hospital to tell us that he had found a kitten in the dumpster at Walgreens. Shelters he had called would not take her, deeming her too small to come without a mom (this is not a bad thing, a lot of no kill shelters just do not have enough employees/volunteers to take care of tiny babies). So after some discussion my co-workers and I decided to go pick her up and take turns fostering her. She was a bit older than the guy made her out to be but still needed a lot of love and care. So after watching her for the weekend, Ty, Rufio and I decided that we loved her too much to have her live anywhere else but with us. As T so lovingly put it, " " On second thought. He never said anything.

If you do not get her name reference, you suck.


New apartment, sexy librarian hair.

Tyler ever so kindly cleaned to whole apartment yesterday when I was at work, so I will try and get some shots of it later today to put up here. Everything has been busy and my hair is growin like a weed.
More soon. I gotta go save some cats now.


DE BASER !!!!!!!!!!!!

oh ha ha oh
Got me a movin'
Got me a movin'

Ok. I could listen to this song forever. I keep dancing around in the dark like a fool, drinking wine, feeling like a pin up in my tight sweater and new bra.... oh man. Life.

Who's not packing... ?


The Rapture was canceled...

This song plays usually at the end of every work day and I take joy in blasting it while I do end of the day paper work, just like I am taking joy in dancing around to it by myself right now.